
Welcome to the BIDSAlert Canada registration

There are four easy steps:
1. Indicate your primary area of business activity
2. Choose your categories of interest. Three of each "Goods and Services" and "Oil and Gas" categories are included - additional categories are $25 each to a max of $150. (Make sure you hit that big blue button to add the categories)
3. Principal service allows you to choose your geographic areas of interest
4. Name and address information, you know the drill


Select Business Activities


Select BIDS Goods and Services Categories

Three (3) categories are included. Additional categories cost $25 each to a maximum of $150.

Select BIDS Oil & Gas Categories

Three (3) categories are included. Additional categories cost $25 each to a maximum of $150. (Including goods and services categories.)

Principal Service

Principal Service
Account Information

Account Information

Show password
Company Information